Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

I'm so sick of weaves and perms on Black women !...when I went to Cameroon, Senegal, and parts of East Africa a couple years back I saw some of the world's most Exotic Beautiful Black women you could ever imagine with Natural beauty out of this world! I think straight weaves and perms are played out and being Natural is so In!

Black women are Bohemian by nature and they should be proud of it!

I'm ALL for the Natural !!

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

So sweet!

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?


come here and give me a kiss.

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

same goes for any woman of any race that wants fake boobs,fake lips,face lifts,etc,natural is the best!

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

listen brother, they are stupid to believe into the ideals of Western Beauty

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

I think it depends on the woman and the society she lives in. Remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There is a black woman I work with who changes her hair style every few months and I love the weaves she picks. But I see your point about the natural beauty.

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

It's the same way as some white women die their hair,

I peirced my nose,

Not to Unnatural or anything, just besause that's what I wanted.

well said jen, well said.

All natural is ALL beauty

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

My hair, my nails, my eyes.... couldn't feel better. I swore to myself I would never perm my hair again and I won't. I love being all that is me.

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

Not all black women look better with natural hair, some do, and some dont, you happen to like the natural hair, i like perms and weaves, its a matter of opinion

they are not wrong or hating their race for wanting perms or weaves, EVERYBODY modifies their look from time to time. makeup, haircuts, tanning, etc.

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

Amen to that! I decided a few months ago that I was going to stop paying some chick 50 bucks to burn me with chemicals that I have to wear goggles to work with in the chemistry lab. Natural black hair is beautiful there is no other hair in the world like it!

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

Well that is a very nice but true thing to say.. Well Yusef, I am black (well my moms mixed, dad black) I have naturally curly hair, but I hate it curly, so I get relaxers to relax my curls so my hair will be straight... I still consider it to be natural.

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

I agree.

But you have to take in consideration how much it costs and how time consuming it is to take care of natural hair. A lot of women (especially mothers) would much rather do something that requires little maintenance, and most of the times, a weave or micro braids will do the trick.

I have a perm in my hair now. I got one when I was in high school, and was so happy to get it! My hair is naturally thick and long, and very hard to manage because of it. I have tried the natural thing (once I cut it before) and I liked it. But it was high maintenance, and I'm not! So I went back to a perm, and don't know what I would do without it.

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

Hey I agree with you! I would love to wear natural hair if I thought I could pull it off! I know you may have a problem with this statement so bear with me. I do actually wear my real hair but I tend to go crazy and dye it! Would that be good or bad? I also love seeing the natural hair as well like fizzy fros. I had a frizzy fro after putting my hair in briads and I thought it looked cute. But America doesn't accept! I don't why this is!

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

preach! we need to stop wasting money on usuless creams and relaxers and running from the rain and religiously wrapping out hair. i took all that gunk out and if feels great

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

Let's get your question right. Do women realize they look so much better when they wear their hair natural?

I like the natural look on everyone. It is as god planned.

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

Society puts so much pressure on women to conform to these crazy, artificial standards of beauty. Nature is beautiful. We should wake up and realize that we don't have to put all this artificial stuff on us to be beautiful. We already are.

My roommate in my freshman year at college was black. Every day, she would wake up and straighten her hair for 30 minutes! I always thought she looked so much better when she just left it curly. Many white women would kill for the volume black women have in their hair. It's so pretty.

We should all embrace our natural beauty and the natural beauty of individuals who are different from us.

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

You have a valid point sweetheart but what you don't seem to understand is that black people have naturally kinky (tight curl) hair. The reason why we get perms is to make it more manageable. I agree with the fact that they should stop wearing weaves b/c it damages hair but little did you know that most if not all of the beautiful celebrities you see on TV wears hair extensions (weave if you so wanna call it). That's the beauty of black woman...we can change our hair into so many different hairstyles and be creative and not just have the same boring hairstyle all the time.

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

I completely agree wit you on the fact the black women are very beautiful but you have to understand that society is the one that causes black women to have to perm there hair! Because they have to fit in an idea of what an American woman should look like, and this has been going on for years and i don't think that it is going to change.

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

Amen, Brother

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

I think its an issue within the African American female community more than anything else, because I've heard that same feeling expressed by both black and white men many times. A lot of it has to do with what we are shown as being "beautiful" in the media and through dolls at an early age. There aren't many examples of African American women being considered beatiful while being "natural" and, unfortunatly, that probably is not going to change very soon. Watch BET and even though its "Black Entertainment Television" there are few, if any, women on there with natural textured hair, or even darker skin for that matter.

Check out the video "Girl Like Me" on youtube.com - its really enlightening.

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

I think it is terrific that you have the love of the natural dark skinned female. It actually makes women in general feel attractive.

However I just wanted to point out an observation I have made, if you don't mind. I think asking that is like asking why have you gotten your ears pierced or why have you decided to wear makeup. I think that when women, in general, look in the mirror if they see something they would like to change, they change it.

It's like a white woman tanning and dying their hair. It is based on what each person feels is attractive.

Natural may be "in" as far as the media considers natural but a lot of the "natural" women on TV and in adds are far from natural. Even women who look like they are natural actually have weaves and hair extentions.

Unfortunately all women- Asian, White, Dark, Indian- feel the need to live "up to" what society deems as beautiful.

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

Women in general should feel proud of their natural beauty.

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

To each his own.....

Our hair is very versatile and we will definately use that to our advantage.

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

Not just black women change their hair, almost every other race in America dyes their hair or gets extensions. Same thing goes with wearing make-up.

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

No, black women do not realize that they look so much better when they wear their own natural hair.

I'm ALL for Natural too!!

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

Yes, I do realize! That's why I'm working on it at this very moment

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

I know. This is why barely any Black women have long hair. The girls with Natural hair have hair down their backs. I even used to have longer hair, until I began perming. Now, I'm going natural and my hair is growing back to it's glory. And natural hair is SOOOOO versatile. I can't wait until the transition is over.

I wish the perms would stop too. All they were meant to be was a way to conceil as much "blackness" as possible. Nowadays Black women are using these weak excuses to try and defend perms.

I wish ALL women would stop altering themselves period! Women would be even more beautiful as a whole.

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

I love to display my creativity with my hair. I can go from natural to weave in 0 to 60 seconds. I am not bohemian, at least I didn't think so. I alway thought I was a black chick with major style.

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

you are so right.

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

OH MY GOD, I always thought that, I went natural about 1 year and 6 months ago, and I wear my hair natural on my college campus. I use weaves and braids to help preserve my growth after i chopped the relaxer off. my hair is about 7 inches long because I get regular trims. I cant wait to have long, beautiful natural hair. The longer and bigger it gets, the more attention I get from good quality Black men. Guys will yell out, "Work that natural girl!" I hope every single Black woman follows suit. Thin lifeless perms are so NOT attractive. It looks horrible, no matter what ur working with. A natural puts some life into your look, while perms just make you a (bad) copy of everyone else. Another bonus is I get more respect from bruhs with my natural, from every walk of life, because I'm projecting pride in myself. Many Black women are stuck on the excuse that their natural hair is not manageable, or that they can't do as much with it, but natural hair has many more options, and its manageable because you only comb it in the shower (most hair types).

**My question is, do you think Black men would stop dating white and hispanic women if more women went natural? Me and a homegirl were talking about this the other day.

Do black women realize that they look so much better when they wear their own Natural Hair....?

Sorry, but who do you think you are?

I think you should leave it up to the black woman to decide for themselves what looks good.

If a weave or extensions makes them feel good, hell, they should be able to wear it however they like. Without people like you commenting...

worry about your own hair!

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